Red Venom Kills

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Original title: Red Venom Kills - 2017 | 82 min
Genre: Horror
Director: Britton Stebbins
Cast: Alexa Rae, Deana Hernandez, Britton Stebbins, David Bonandrini, Brian Kasgorgis, Melissa O'Brien, Niki Haze
A thrilling sexy super heroine ride into world of pure comic trash. Red Venom Kills is a homage flm to 70's grindhouse low-budget drive-in movies. The picture is filled with delectable images of wicked beauty, and colorful gritty suspense. Alluring young Scarlet Silk is a slinky young hooker gone crazy after her parents murder, and being stabbed several times. The audacious naughty teen changes her destiny near death by discovering a mysterious crate from the Amazon jungle left behind by her mother that has two mystical bottles of red venom; one that heals, and the other that poisons. Scarlet then transcends herself into becoming the deadliest predator in the jungle, as her mission is to inject her poisonous venom into the diabolical underworld queen Dark Widow.
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